Tuesday, 1 January 2013
Architects Save The World And Bring Joy To Millions: Singapore 2050 Video Clips. Duration : 6.35 Mins.

The WOHA Design2050 Studio was commissioned by DesignSingapore and its proposition, "Architects Save The World And Bring Joy To Millions: Singapore 2050" was presented at the Icsid World Design Congress 2009 (proposition included below). The copyright for this video and all related content is lodged with WOHA and relevant parties, as indicated in the credits at the end of the video. WOHA can be contacted at the following address: WOHA 29 HongKong Street Singapore 059668 Tel: (65) 6423 4555 Fax: (65) 6423 4666 www.wohadesigns.com Architects Save The World And Bring Joy To Millions: Singapore 2050 The WOHA Design2050 studio humbly declares that architects and urban planners re-emerge from oblivion and return to their roots of benevolent megalomania. We attempt to save the world. In order to do so, we focus on the two things that we know best: The creative expertise of our profession, which historically has developed concepts for new societies at times translated into stone and mortar (or steel and glass) at times immortalised in international archives and galleries as paper architecture. Our home planet Singapore , apotheosis of planned renewal and radical make-over. Our small but notoriously efficient city state, invented in less than 40 years, is the perfect petri dish for a makeable future. Together with National University of Singapore and special guests School Of The Arts: Singapore, Blackdesign and Obilia, WOHA will develop and present architectural and urban concepts ...


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