Wednesday 26 December 2012
5D Conference : Narrating Space Pt 4 - Joseph Kosinski Video Clips. Duration : 10.02 Mins.

In part four of Narrating Space Tron Legacy Director Joseph Kosinski explores blurring the boundaries between architecture, film and graphics. This panel contemplates the science and fiction of where virtual and material environments meet. The panelists will explore what happens to the experience of architectural form, volume, navigation, materials, urban context, authorship and the communities that they create when they are projected into a digital world. When architecture no longer has to be concerned with physical, financial and geographic constraints, it looks to filmmaking, storytelling and other forms of media for its limitations and context. Questions arise about visualization, aesthetics, vernacular, plasticity, audience and interaction. Narrating Space hopes to answer some of these and ask a lot more. Moderator: Peter Frankfurt co-founder/co-director, Imaginary Forces Panelists: Joseph Kosinski- Commercial and feature film director (Tron Legacy) Greg Lynn- Innovative architect, philosopher and teacher at UCLA School of Architecture and Urban Design Evan Hirsch- Creative director for Microsoft Lab 5D Conference Digital technologies are blurring the boundaries between the passive and active experience of visual art, entertainment, environmental design and the built environment. Out of these transformations emerge unique challenges and inspirations for those facing the creative process of world-building and storytelling in narrative media. 5D offers a progressive ...


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